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Licence locations

Do you want to be right with your business? Make the most of your ideas and opportunities? Then you've come to the right place! 

The DIANIUM RESIDENCE licence partnership makes dreams come true in prime locations.  

Prime locations are rare and highly sought-after. At DIANIUM RESIDENCE, we hold the key to successful brokerage:  

A licence partnership with us makes almost anything possible. We have an established network for luxury properties in the most beautiful and attractive  locations in the world. With a licence partnership, we involve you in the optimal brokerage of second home destinations at unbeatable conditions.  You get exclusive access to breathtaking luxury villas around the globe.  

With us you are in the right place. We provide you with the best possible care and support in every location. Best locations at the best price!  

A licence partnership creates reliability and opens the door to the world of luxury.   

Find out more about us here.  

You belong to the best! In every location. 


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